Data Fields on Reservation/Rental


Enter the quantity of the item the customer is renting.

If the quantity defaults to 1 and the Qty box is skipped a default quantity was established in the system variable 'DefaultQty'. You may change the quantity by either clicking in the Qty box or pressing Shift and Tab simultaneously on the keyboard. Refer to 'System Variables' for more information regarding the 'DefaultQty' variable.


If the item is barcoded and you have barcode scanning capabilities, scan the barcode in the Sku# box. If the barcode is found in the barcode reference table, the barcode number will change to the item's sku, serial or catalog number and the information pertaining to the item will appear in the appropriate fields.

If the item is not barcoded or you do not have barcode scanning capabilities, in the Sku# box enter the sku number or serial number of the item the customer is renting. If you are not sure of the sku number or serial number press the F6 key on your keyboard in order to Display Inventory. If the item is found in Display Inventory, click on the row to select it and click the Select button. The information pertaining to the item will be brought forward to the Short Term Rental window. Refer to 'Display Inventory' for more information.

If the Sku# entered is found in the inventory file at the location specified in the Location box, the information pertaining to the item will appear in the appropriate fields.

If the Sku# entered is not found in the inventory file at the location in the Location box, you must enter the category and description information.

Note: Existing reservations will be checked to verify the item is available during the Pick Up and Return date range. If the item is unavailable, a warning will appear on screen; however, you may continue with the reservation/rental.


If the Sku# entered was found in the inventory file, the category of the item will automatically appear in the Cat box and cannot be changed.

If the Sku# entered was not found in the inventory file, click in the Cat box and select the applicable category from the drop down list.

Categories are established in 'Categories' on the Inventory Maintenance menu.


If the Sku# entered was found in the inventory file, the description of the item will automatically appear in the Description box. To change the description, click in the Description box and type the description as applicable.

If the Sku# entered was not found in the inventory file, the description of the category will appear in the Description box. It is recommended that you change the description to be more descriptive of the item in order to minimize confusion when listing reservations/rentals.


If a rate table was established for the item entered, you may click in the Rate box and select the applicable rate from the drop down list. The rate table is established in 'Short Term Rental Rates' on the Inventory Maintenance menu.

The selected rate will then appear in the box to the right of the Rate box. This rate may be changed if necessary.

If a rate was not selected in the Rate box, you must enter the rental rate in the box to the right of the Rate box.


The Extended rate is the Qty x Rate. The extended rate is automatically calculated and cannot be changed.


The discount you are giving the customer on the rental.

If you are giving a percentage discount, type a dash (-) before the decimal percentage.

Example: If you are giving a 15% discount, type -.15 in the Discount field.

If you are giving a dollar amount discount, simply type the amount.

Example: If you are giving a $15.00 discount, type 15.00 in the Discount field.


The Total rate is the Extended rate less any discounts.

The inventory item just entered on the Short Term Rental/Reservation will fall to the white box on the center of the Short Term Rental window. Continue entering items the customer is renting. The Subtotal, Tax and Total fields will be updated as the items on the rental/reservation falls to the grid.

Note: The inventory item must move to the white box in order for it to be calculated on the rental.